One of the prime beneficiaries of the new era of budget travel is the bedbug. These nasty little beasts have set up bridgeheads around most of the major international airports.
OK, it's not absolutely certain that you'll lose your bags, catch a fatal bout of food poisoning or be unjustly banged up in a foreign jail while you're on holiday. But you might. Why would any sane person risk it?
Holidays aren't economical, there's not exactly ecological, and they're not guaranteed to be all that much fun. There's only one way a holiday can go right (the flannel in the brochure) and hundreds of different ways that the holiday can go wrong (the flannel in my book)
With travel tips, handy warnings, and lists of great stuff you can only do at home Sod Abroad will help you kick the holiday habit.
Instead, why don't you just spend a lovely fortnight on your sofa, in your own comfy home, watching your own telly and eating food you can actually pronounce.
Who knows? If there's nothing on telly you can even read a book....
Like practically everyone else you meet on the internet, I'm sort of writer. I've written a couple of books. I write for some newspapers, and I write a lot of stuff about the telly. This is that stuff.